Indigenous rewilding
the most precious places on Earth

Dear humans,
Your life depends on me,
the forest.
We’re connected in ways many of you have only begun to imagine.
I recycle the world’s biggest rivers.
I nourish the lands.
I store more carbon than in all the world’s oil, gas and coal reserves (ancient ancestors of mine).
And if you’re the science and tech type:
I am the most effective climate technology on Earth right now... in the right hands (Indigenous of course).
We’re connected in ways many of you have only begun to imagine.
I recycle the world’s biggest rivers.
I nourish the lands.
I store more carbon than in all the world’s oil, gas and coal reserves (ancient ancestors of mine).
And if you’re the science and tech type:

I am the most effective climate technology on Earth right now...
in the right hands (Indigenous of course).
Question is,
how do you actually keep
the forest sacred and sound ?
As if your world depends on it, which it does.
First, find the world’s
most precious forests in
countries that acknowledge
Indigenous rights.
Now, locate the most
Indigenous Societies.
Those who understand
the wild ways of knowing.
Of communing with
the animals and plants.
With the visible...
...and invisible.
Who keep their millenia
old wisdom with cool attire
and a modern outlook.
Behold the Arhuaco
Our first Indigenous partners in Northern Colombia. Now spend 5 years building mutual trust.
Map out Indigenous territory.*
Identify sacred spaces.
Estimate the value of carbon capture and other products**
and services***
that I give away for free.
silly me
* “One of the most irreplaceable on Earth”, says IUCN
** cacao and coffee
*** from clean water to life’s abundance
Then highlight areas that we must reclaim and rewild to protect Indigenous rights and sacred nature.
Next, partner with leading
Impact brands* to invest millions of Euros in Indigenous forests:
Guard 2000 km2 of wild forest in realtime.
Buyback and rewild 120 km2 of sacred lands.
Aim for La Sierra to become a World Heritage Site eventually Indigenous Rewilding the entire Sierra.
*Joining the preservation party with two of the best:
Now. After you’ve set up ‘Conservation As A Service’ to pay the Indigenous guardians, and satellite monitoring to protect the area. Scale up operations to Indigenous Rewild 2mn hectares of the World’s essential forests by 2030, together with their native peoples (and a select partnership of leading Impact brands).
There’s the pitch:
You protect me. I protect you.
I’m still the forest by the way.
Are you in?