Why partner with us

The most important
alliance in the world

Large wild forests are the most effective climate tech we, as humans have. 
And Indigenous Rewilding is the most effective way to reclaim and protect these biodiverse, carbon absorbing forests.
(And therefore the most important thing in the world, we can do on land).
Sacred Forests takes Indigenous Rewilding to new innovative and ecopreneurial levels.
Mamos (wise men) work with scientists, Indigenous rangers use state of the art tech, we map, monitor and protect every part of the territory in real time, and once the land is back in Indigenous reserves, it will remain in their hands for good, and the good of us all.
With our commercial brand allies, we develop exciting routes to business opportunities.
We are starting at the heart of the world, La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.
And we will expand to protect and connect, forest by forest until all the most precious are safeguarded.
Sacred Forests nurtures a culture of deep connection, self-governance, open feedback, curiosity, slow and mindful productivity, and a commitment tothe sacredness of forests—and life itself.
We partner with those who understand “the value of nature”, that is, life on Earth.
Impact-driven brands are forming alliances with Indigenous Peoples through Sacred Forests, creating partnerships that are not just commercial but transformative. Sound good?
Here’s the deal: In exchange for forest investment, brands gain a unique feel good opportunity and brand value, nature credits that honor the Earth, supply chains rooted in regeneration, data, and future-proof Indigenous knowhow.
Proud to be part of the Rituals 10% Profit Pledge.
Supported by Original Beans who recently launched a chocolate with the Arhuaco.
Our current partners:
Rituals Cosmetics, a successful wellbeing brand, guides consumers to seek a more balanced life. In 2022, they signed a first sponsorship contract to protect and restore the Arhuaco forests in the Sierra Nevada.
Original Beans is ranked as the world’s most sustainable chocolate brand and recognized as one of its finest. Since 2016, they have been purchasing Arhuaco sacred cacao from the Sierra Nevada.
At the heart of these efforts is Sacred Forests, serving as project and finance developer, storyteller, and cultural bridge builder.
With integrity and science at its core, it guarantees that these collaborations are not only respectful but enduring, uniting the ancient with the modern in a shared future.
We forge alliances between pioneering impact brands and leading Indigenous Peoples. Together, we preserve and restore sacred landscapes, nurturing back to life what sustains us all. We seek equally ambitious partners—who understand that the future of the world depends on the balance we create today.